Sunday, October 2, 2011

C4K: Summary

I was assigned to Emilee, a year seven student at Pt. England School. The post that I commented on was her "Black Out Day" post. Pt. England School's rugby team had just won a championship game. The students were wearing all black in support of their team. I commended her on her school spirit. I explained how having a good team is great but when a good team has a strong support system it makes them even better. I closed with a congratulations to her and her school.

I also had the opportunity to vote in a debate on the design of New Zealand's new flag. This debate post is being held by "Kids With A View".
I posted that I like the more traditional flag. The other choice is a black and silver flag with a feather that has "New Zealand" printed on it. I think I would like the black and silver one better if it did not have New Zealand on it, if it just was black with the silver feather. But, my favorite is still the traditional flag.

Unfortunately, I did not keep the link to the other students blog that I posted on. I will be more organized in the future and save a file with each of the links and posts for my students. I remember in this post my student posted one of his paintings of a wolf. He is a very talented artist, painted the wolf red to symbolize the blood lost when animals are abused. He hoped that his painting would make people think before they abuse animals. I commented on not only his great talent but his wonderful use of symbolism.

1 comment:

  1. Lindsey,

    Glad to see you will save the links next time. =) Otherwise, great job! C4K is such a great part of the class. Oh, did you see that some of the kids commented you back? Awesome!

