Sunday, November 6, 2011

October C4K Summary

I read a post by Sienna a student at Point View School in Mrs. Lynne Laburn's, Room 3/Year 1 class. These students are between five and six years old, and I was amazed by Sienna's blog. I played a multiplication game that she had posted, it was very impressive. I even let my third grade daughter look at it and play, she wished she could make something like that at school.

My comment on Sienna's Blog Post:

Hi Sienna,
My name is Lindsey Gipson, I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I live in Mobile, AL, U.S.A. I am studying to be a teacher. The class that I am taking is teaching us how to use technology in our classrooms. Just like you guys use your blogs to help you learn.

Speaking of blogs I was checking yours out and I am so impressed. I played one of the times table games that you have posted. I bet using these tools makes learning much more fun. Keep up the good work! :)

I also commented on Raymond's Blog he is 12 years old, (in Mrs. Gregory's, period 5) and from a different school. I did not save the link to the home page, so I am also not sure where he is from. I do know that he is using his blog in his science class and science is his favorite subject. His post that I commented on was the periodic table. The layout of his blog was very impressive. I could get a few pointers from him I'm sure!

My comment on Raymond's Post:

Hi Raymond,
My name is Lindsey, I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. One of my assignments was to read and comment on your blog. I am learning the importance of incorporating technology in today's classrooms. It's awesome that you were able to post the periodic table on your blog. It seems like using tools like this would make it fun to do research and encourage students to learn. What do you think? Do you enjoy using technology in your classroom?

I used the selector ,"fruit machine", on Mrs. Gregory's homepage and was randomly assigned Jeremy from period 4 at the same school. I was very impressed by this student. He is wise beyond his years. I love his excitement for science, probably because I share the same excitement and can relate. I also read his post on bullies, and I was really shocked by what he had to say. I hope that I have students like him in my class, very good!

My comment on Jeremy's post:

Hi Jeremy,
My name is Lindsey and I am student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. I randomly selected your blog by using Mrs. Gregory's "fruit machine" posted on her blog. I love how excited you are about science! I love it too, hopefully after these next two years I will be teaching science to awesome students like you. I also read your post about bullies. That is very good advice. I actually gave my daughter similar advice the other day. Standing up for yourself and making friends can work wonders. Most of the time people that are bullies are in need of some sort of attention, and usually a friend is exactly what they need. Great Job!

I was also assigned, Sohel, a year 3 student in Room 9 at Pt. England School located in Aukland, New Zealand. Her post was on Ireland with an animation of the Dublin Castle. She also included a drawing of the Flag of Ireland. Very nice blog.

My comment on Sohel's Blog:

Hi Sohel,
My name is Lindsey Gipson. I am a student in the United States at the University of South Alabama. Your post about Ireland is great! Isn't it fun to learn about the different places around the world? I like your flag of Ireland and your animation of the Dublin Castle. It is awesome to see students using technology to explore and learn. Great job! Keep up the good work.

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